Introducing our WELLBEING VEHICLE! Behind the scenes we are carefully curating a programme to make sure we reach those who need it the most!
This vehicle will support rural communities in Shropshire and will be used each week by a team of staff and volunteers. The vehicle will hold support leaflets and information about other services and staff will be available to talk with people and offer support and signposting.
Pre Covid, MHS Shropshire Mental Health Support, which is a registered charity, provided weekly groups in Market Drayton, Whitchurch, Ludlow and Bridgnorth and with the wellbeing bus it is anticipated that the reach can be extended to harder to reach communities within Shropshire.
Since Covid, Shropshire Mental Health Support has seen a rise in mental health challenges and currently offers telephone support to around 500 people, as well as other much needed, well utilised groups and services that anyone living in Shropshire can access.